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All Communities Outreach Services

We provide the following services: Parenting Classes, Anger Management Services, Toiletries for Seniors, Monthly Family Activities, Financial Education, and Family Support Services.
106 E Mission Ave
Bellevue, NE 68005

American Red Cross - Council Bluffs Service Center

 The American Red Cross of the Omaha/Council Bluffs Metro Chapter serves Harrison, Mills, and Pottawattamie Counties in Iowa.
Council Bluffs Service Center
Charles E. Lakin Human Services Campus
705 N 16th Street
Council Bluffs, IA 51501

AmeriServe International, Inc

AmeriServe's team members guide adults with intellectual disabilities as they build community connections.
35 Main Place
Suite 300
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
Counties: Pottawattamie

Angels Care Home Health - Shenandoah, Iowa

We are a Medicare-Certified Home Health agency providing quality and cost-effective home health care services that are focused on each patient's unique needs.
717 W Sheridan Ave Ste A
Shenandoah, IA 51601

Aveanna Home Health

Home healthcare is a Medicare benefit that can send a team of care professionals to your home.
535 West Broadway
Ste 201
Council Bluffs, IA 51503

Centro Latino

We are the premier bilingual and bi-cultural Hispanic/Latino center in Council Bluffs.
300 W Broadway
Ste 40
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
Counties: Pottawattamie

Concerned Inc

"Charting a Course Toward Independence" our mission is to empower people to obtain their highest level of independence.
1812 Industrial Pkwy
Harlan, IA 51537

Connections Area Agency on Aging

Our mission:  To enhance the quality of life for elders in our service area through education, planning, and coordination of services.
231 S Main Street
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
712-328-2540 Council Bluffs

Department of Health & Human Services - Cass County

Iowa HHS provides high quality programs and services that protect and improve the health and resiliency of individuals, families, and communities.
601 Walnut Street
Atlantic, IA 50022
Toll Free: 877-455-3211
Counties: Cass

Department of Health & Human Services - Harrison County

Iowa HHS provides high quality programs and services that protect and improve the health and resiliency of individuals, families, and communities.
204 East 6th Street
PO Box 189
Logan, IA 51546
Toll Free: 800-326-7732
Fax: 515-564-4183
Counties: Harrison, Monona, Shelby

Department of Health & Human Services - Montgomery County

Iowa HHS provides high quality programs and services that protect and improve the health and resiliency of individuals, families, and communities.
1109 Highland Ave
Ste A
Red Oak, IA 51566
Toll Free: 888-623-4838
Fax: 515-5564-4167
Counties: Montgomery, Page

Department of Health & Human Services - Pottawattamie County

Iowa HHS provides high quality programs and services that protect and improve the health and resiliency of individuals, families, and communities.
417 E Kanesville Blvd
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
Toll Free: 866-788-1805
Fax: 515-564-4167


The purpose of this program is for families and staff to work together in identifying, coordinating, and providing needed support and resources that will help the family assist their infant or toddler to grow and develop.
Halverson Center for Education
24997 Hwy 92
Council Bluffs, IA 51503

Embrace Iowa, Inc.

Here at Embrace Iowa, Inc - our families are our #1 priority.
Embrace Iowa Inc
14 N Walnut
Glenwood, IA 51534

Harrison County Home and Public Health

Our mission is to promote physical and mental health, and prevent disease, injury, and disability for the residents of Harrison County, Iowa.
122 W. 8th Street
Logan, IA 51546
Fax: 866-731-5082
Counties: Harrison

Heartland Bike Share - Heartland B-cycle

Heartland Bike Share is the first large-scale municipal bike sharing system in the Omaha metro area.
1144 N 11th St
Ste B
Omaha, NE 68102
Counties: Pottawattamie

Home Instead Senior Care

Providing trustworthy, kindhearted, senior home care services in your loved one's home.
13323 California Street
Omaha, NE 68154

Home Instead Senior Care - Council Bluffs

Our office serves Atlantic, Avoca, Council Bluffs, Glenwood, Harlan, Missouri Valley, Red Oak, Shenandoah, Sidney, Treynor, Underwood; 8 counties in Southwest Iowa.
149 West Broadway
Council Bluffs, IA 51503

Home Sweet Home Care

We care for your loved ones at home by providing an array of professional services that will speed the patient's recovery, facilitate rehabilitation, and promote health.
16 West 16th St
Atlantic, IA 50022
Toll Free: 800-279-9775

Iowa Focus - Family Options and Community Supports

Iowa Focus is a private organization providing services to persons with disabilities.
501 Main St
Suite 2B
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
Toll Free: 877-503-6287

Lutheran Services in Iowa - Des Moines

We empower families and communities by recognizing and honoring the strengths and gifts of every individual.

Monona County Public Health -Burgess Health Center

Burgess Health Center is now coordinating the services and programs offered through Public Health.
1600 Diamond Street
Onawa, IA 51040
Counties: Monona

Montgomery County Public Health

Offering a variety of services for the citizens of Montgomery County, Iowa including: Homemaker Services, Immunization and Flu Clinics, Vaccinations, Maternal Health Services, New Baby Visits, Lead Level Follow-up and Education, Disaster Planning, and Health Education.
1109 Highland Ave.
Red Oak, IA 51566
Toll Free: 877-254-6104
Counties: Montgomery


People with intellectual disabilities desire and deserve greater independence and closer ties to the community.
715 N 2nd Ave
PO Box 153
Logan, IA 51546

Myrtue Medical Center Behavioral Health

Our mission is to establish partnerships and empower individuals through education, quality interventions, and preventative resources to promote well-being.
1110 Morningview Dr
Harlan, IA 51537

Park Place RCF/PMI

We strive to provide a healthy home and learning environment, while enhancing the individual's well-being in meeting the physical and mental needs in the least restrictive setting possible with the long range goal of independent living.
1307 Sunnyside Ln
Atlantic, IA 50022
Fax: 712-243-3675

Partnership for Progress, Inc.

This human services agency operates community based programs of service to adults who are chronically and persistently mentally ill, or who have other mental or behavioral challenges.
1207 Sunnyside Lane Ste D
Atlantic, IA 50022
Fax: 712-243-7999

REM Iowa State Office

Since our founding, REM has been a driving force in the creation of community-based programs for persons with developmental and other disabilities.
1661 Boyson Square Dr
Hiawatha, IA 52233

Right At Home

Right at Home is a leader in the in-home senior care industry.
6700 Mercy Rd
Ste 400
Omaha, NE 68106
Toll Free: 877-697-7537

Shelby County Public Health

Public Health encompasses many health care services.
Community Health
2712 12th Street
Harlan, IA 51537
Counties: Shelby

Taxi Service - Faith In Action

Based in Sidney, Iowa, we service Southwest Iowa and surrounding counties.
Faith In Action Fremont County
709 Indiana Street
PO Box 604
Sidney, IA 51652
712-313-0316 Dispatcher

Trivium Life Services

Behavioral health services, counseling and therapy, long-term support services.
1529 9th Avenue
Council Bluffs, IA 51503


We provide services to persons with disabilities in order that those persons may live, work, and participate in the community in the least restrictive environment to achieve their full potential.
612 S Main
Council Bluffs, IA 51503

Waubonsie Mental Health Center

We strive to empower people to achieve their hopes, dreams, and quality of life goals by delivering quality, integrated, trauma-informed behavioral health care.
216 W Division St
Clarinda, IA 51632

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This page was printed from the Southwest Iowa Mental Health & Disability Services Region on February 11, 2025. For the latest information, visit