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The Collaborative Support Team is not meeting at this time, effective 01/02/2024. Since August 2013, a dedicated group of providers has been meeting to discuss and support individuals in our community that have complex needs. The team is known as the Collaborative Support Team (CST).

We are an interconnected, multi-agency continuum of services providing support for individuals experiencing mental health symptoms or who have developmental disability needs with frequent admissions to the community hospitals, emergency rooms, and jail. Individuals provide consent for the collaboration but are not present during the consultation. We are working toward coordination of care, providing input for treatment plans on referred individuals. 

Our shared vision is that our collaboration will create a community of support for individuals receiving community support services that have complex mental health and/or developmental disability needs to build a network of support and hope for each individual’s future.

One of the barriers we seek to address is the need to assist individuals with challenging and difficult behaviors and symptoms to share their voice when they transition from one provider to another or from the provider to a hospital setting.

Through shared information and open collaboration, the team is able to brainstorm solutions for individuals with complex needs. 

Who Can Make a Referral

  • Integrated Health Home Providers (IHH)
  • Assertive Community Treatment Providers (ACT)
  • Case Managers
  • Service Coordinators
  • Hospitals
  • Community Mental Health Centers
  • Community-Based Mental Health Providers


Referrals can be made if the following eligibility requirements are met:

  • Individual resides in a county in the Southwest Iowa MHDS Region
  • Individual has a mental health diagnosis or developmental disability
  • A professional indicates inclusion in CST would divert an individual from multiple uses of high acuity services
    • Or currently under Committal order for 229 or dual 229/125
    • Or frequent admissions to hospitals for mental health care
    • Or frequent visits to the emergency room
    • Or repeat incarcerations
    • Or significant risk of continued service engagement

If You Would Like to Refer an Individual for Review by the Collaborative Support Team:

  • Request an authorization form by contacting
  • Complete the authorization form with your client and return it to either:

Collaborative Support Team
c/o Southwest Iowa MHDS Region
227 S 6th St, Ste 128

Council Bluffs, IA 51501

Phone: 712-328-5812

Download Our Brochure

This page was printed from the Southwest Iowa Mental Health & Disability Services Region on February 11, 2025. For the latest information, visit

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